
So, you’ve set up your site and it’s ready to go – all you need is for people to start ordering your products. But apart from a few random flukes, your ecommerce site is falling flat on its face. Before you give up hope, check that you haven’t made these critical mistakes:


1. Unclear landing page

When potential buyers click on a link to your Ecommerce site, they should immediately get a clear idea of what your site specialises in. If you have an ambiguous photo or design, users will be quick to click off your site and carry on with their search.

Make sure you add a call to action that will lead the user to either buy a product or stay on your online site. Include a clear headline stating your value proposition and what you can offer the customer that they won’t get from other sites.

2. Bad product descriptions or photos

An interesting study by the Nielsen Norman Group highlights the importance of focusing on photos and description, as they found a few common habits of online shoppers. For example, when looking at photos of real people who work at a company, users are more likely to skim the bio and pay attention to the photos.

When browsing products, in a comparison of TVs and bookshelves, users directed their attention alternately. When looking at bookshelves, they studied the photos, while the TVs’ product descriptions got the focus. What does this mean? You should optimise your descriptions and photos depending on the product. If it requires technical information, then write a detailed bio, but if the look and feel of the product are more important, focus on the quality of the photograph.

3. Your site looks dodgy

Be certain that you don’t have any malware loaded on your site that throws advertisements at your users. While call to action pop-ups can increase sales, don’t have more than one per visit. If your site is overselling, it can create suspicion in the shopper.

Bad design also plays a part in how trustworthy your online store looks. If the site is unresponsive or has a faulty menu structure, then users will be inclined to click away. Make sure your images, customer testimonials and basic functionality adhere to a high standard of quality.

How to move forward

If you think you’ve been making one or all of these mistakes, then get in touch with the ecommerce consultants at Creative Digital Agency. We will work with you, giving advice and suggesting ways that you can up your online sales. Working together with our in-house marketing and design departments, we can help make your site more profitable in no time.

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