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Imagine your website is a physical store. Upon entering your store customers want to be greeted with a clean, easy to navigate shop. The same applies to your website. If users visiting your eCommerce website find it to be confusing and stressful to use, they will most likely take their business elsewhere.

Below we outline 5 tips to help improve the user experience of your eCommerce website.

1. Create a logical flow

Firstly, how well are products and information organised on your website? To maximise the user experience, the structure of your website needs to follow a logical flow. Break down your products into categories and then subcategories, until everything is neatly categorised and can be accessed easily by your customers. Ensure menus are straightforward and products easy to find in a search by optimising their titles and descriptions with keywords. Cross-selling similar products on product pages can also help improve the customer experience and boost your sales.

2. Use calls to action

After potential customers have viewed your website they should never be left wondering ‘so what?’ or ‘what now?’. By including a clear call to action at the end of a product page, you are encouraging the customer to take the next step and further engage with your website. Calls to action could include an enticement to sign up to your newsletter or take advantage of a discount code that will persuade them to make a purchase.

3. Listen to feedback

The best way to improve consumer experience is to communicate with your customers and listen to their feedback. This, however, isn’t always possible, but by looking at the analytics of your website you can gather vital information. For example, if one particular page of your website has a high bounce back rate, compare it to more successful pages on your website and see if you can identify what is affecting your customers’ experiences. It could be broken links, missing or poor quality images or lack of reviews.

4. Optimise for mobile

You naturally want to give your customers the best user experience possible; and this means offering them a great website that is accessible on any platform. Mobile accounts for more than half of all browsing, so you should ensure your website is designed to work just as efficiently on a phone or tablet as it does on a desktop. That means investing in a responsive eCommerce design.

5. Integrate social buttons

Linking your social media channels may not seem like an obvious way to increase user experience, but by incorporating your social media pages into your main website, you are allowing consumers to gain a better understanding of who you are as a brand and what your company can offer. Plus, if they want to share their find with others, they can do so easily.

In conclusion, by following some of these top tips you can improve the user experience and increase online sales for your site. For more information on website design and development, do not hesitate to contact us at CDA.

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