Apple fans across the world happily received the much-anticipated latest update for iOS, known as iOS9, which was released last week. The main new features on iOS include Apple News, enhanced Notes app and minor tweaks throughout.
Apple News is being backed by multiple newspapers and broadcasters even though it is essentially RSS feed, which has been around for years. With the backing of many newspapers comes many interesting stories every time you look.
The new Notes app is said to be significant. You will be able to easily make a checklist, add photos to your notes and sketch doodles within your notes. Notes are also apparently going to be easier to make due to the share to your notes option within safari, maps and other apps.
Maps are included in the small tweaks. There is now an option for public transport, so you don’t have to go and download a different app to see the bus times. Within maps is a” nearby” feature which allows you to access nearby restaurants, groceries and many more.
These are just a few of the new features within iOS9.
Finally, a feature that has been worked on is the Apple Pay; with the increase in contactless payments in the last year you can understand why. Apple Pay is a secure and easy way to pay for items within apps and within stores.
What are peoples are peoples opinion of the new iOS? Contact us and we can discuss!